11 days ago
According to Rightmove, a whopping 500,000 UK homebuyers are rushing to finalise their home purchase before the new Stamp Duty rules change in April.
16 days ago
The UK government is introducing new rules for Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) that will impact landlords. Here's a summary of the key changes
20 Jan 2025
Following recent changes in the Buy to Let market, some investors may find this product less appealing. However, if done correctly, building a buy to let portfolio can be very profitable.
7 Jan 2025
Helping you understand the upcoming changes in stamp duty (SDLT) from April 2025.
15 Nov 2024
We look at why mortgage rates increased following the Bank of England's choice to reduce the bank rate, and should you fix now?
30 Oct 2024
On 30th October 2024 the Chancellor, Rachel Reeves delivered the Autumn budget which we had previously been warned would be “difficult”. Below we have summarised the main housing points.
20 Sep 2024
With UK inflation remaining at 2.2% which is slightly above the Bank of England’s 2% target, the decision was made on Thursday 19th September to keep the base rate at 5%.
13 Sep 2024
Virgin Money and Hive Energy introduce new "green" mortgage product called Retrofit Boost Mortgage with the aim to help homeowners improve the energy efficiency of their home by offering cashback between £3,000 and £15,000
15 Jul 2024
The average seller’s asking price dropped by 0.4% in July, a bigger drop than we have typically seen.
18 Jun 2024
Should you overpay your mortgage? If you can put extra cash away you need to seriously consider whether you should pay more off on your mortgage or put it into a savings account.
13 May 2024
Does the time of year make a difference in house purchases? The answer is, yes and no.
The popularity of buying a house can vary depending on various factors such as regional trends, how the economy looks, and of course personal circumstances.
19 Mar 2024
If you are looking at remortgaging your property but you are unsure whether it’s the right decision, we have listed five reasons why it might be for you.
22 Aug 2022
If you’re a landlord & you’re unaware of the proposed upcoming legislative changes, see how this new bill could impact the UK rental market.
4 Mar 2022
Purchasing a property and then letting it out to tenants is a great way to earn additional income and the more properties you own, the more you can earn.
There are a few reasons why you might be buying a property with a tenant still in occupation (a sitting tenant).
From the 1st of April, Landlords are now obliged to have an electrician undertake an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR).
Moneyfacts, the independent mortgage market monitor of all things ‘mortgage’ has reported that overall mortgage availability rose in January 2021, to 3,215 products!
There are still many reasons why the UK property market could be considered one of the best investment opportunities in the world. Here are ten reasons why.
Here we list 10 things you should consider doing to enhance your return on capital.
Flats, in particular, are usually owned leasehold because in very simple terms, to own the freehold of a property is basically to own the land below and the air above and, in the case of a flat, clearly this isn’t possible.
The process of obtaining a buy to let loan usually takes between 4 - 6 weeks, although, as with all purchases, there are a variety of steps to the process which will delay or even stall the process.
What can you do to improve your negotiating position? Here are a few simple tips that too many people ignore.
The regulations apply to new tenancies commencing on or after 1 July 2020 and inspections relating to properties subject to existing tenancies must be undertaken before 1. April 2021.
The chancellor has announced a temporary holiday on stamp duty up to £500,000 as part of a number of measures to help stimulate the economy. We have listed below the key facts following this announcement.
Applying for a mortgage can seem an intimidating and complicated process. Thankfully this is something we do every single day, so we can do much of it for you. Simple.
You must have an Energy Performance Certificate before you start marketing your property. Buildings that don’t need an EPC include...
Generally referred to as ‘the base rate’, when it falls it is usually (but not always) an indication that lending rates generally will also fall.
If you can’t come to us we can quickly set up a video or phone appointment.
Whether you are an owner-occupier or a private landlord, the most important thing is not to panic or put your head in the sand.
Here we look at just a few of the great books out there that might interest the buy-to-let landlord or property investor.
To minimise the risk when investing in property there are a variety of measures you should take and precautions you can make. Here are just a few...
Almost all, if not all, lenders will either prohibit you from letting your home to a third party or they’ll set restrictions and have formal requirements around notification, etc.
The simple answer is no. At least, you can, but it’s a very bad idea.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government have recently introduced new guidelines for HMO landlords.
More recently, the UK government introduced a relatively complex scale of tax bands aimed in large part at discouraging the purchase of second homes and property used for buy-to-let investment.
The UK Government have been keen to discourage the small private buy to let investor. From April 2016, anyone purchasing an additional buy to let property must pay at least an extra 3 per cent in stamp duty land tax.
As part of a portfolio of measures aimed at cooling demand from the buy-to-let market, the UK’s Government have recently introduced several fiscal measures aimed at achieving a reduction in those interested in entering the private buy-to-let market.
27 Oct 2017
The Buy to Let landscape is changing. The government fully intends to collect more tax from landlords and the option to buy and rent out property may no longer be open to just anyone who can raise a deposit.
29 Aug 2017
There have been so many changes in the Buy to Let sector, that I thought it was time for a general round up.
The 1st April 2018 will see any properties rented out in the private rented sector requiring a minimum energy performance rating of E on an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). If you don’t have this rating, you are unlikely to be able to legally rent out your property after this date.
Capital Gains Tax (CGT), as the name suggests, is charged upon the increase in value of an asset held by an individual. It is payable only when the gain is realised (i.e. a property sold or, in many cases, transferred) by that individual.
The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) is a part of the Bank of England and is responsible for the regulation and supervision of banks, building societies, credit unions, insurers and major investment firms.
Once you have made the decision to invest in a residential Buy to Let property, it’s worth sticking to a few basic rules. This is likely to make the whole process simpler and easier to manage further down the line.
As Landlord you inherit several responsibilities around the need to secure your tenant’s safety. One of these includes the requirement for an annual Gas Safety Certificate.
With banks offering tiny returns on cash savings and ISAs and the fairly recent stock market volatility still fresh in people’s minds, investing in property is still considered by many to be the best way to invest their money.
18 Oct 2016
The solution for some seems to be to set up a limited company within which to purchase the buy to lets.
Borrowing money for a ‘buy to let’ investment is different to borrowing for your own home. The interest rate is usually higher in comparison and the deposit required is usually between 20% and 40% of the property’s value.
From the 1st October 2015 regulations require smoke alarms to be installed in rented residential accommodation and carbon monoxide alarms in rooms with a solid fuel appliance.
If you are looking to rent out your property in Maidenhead after 1. February 2016 the UK will require Landlords to undertake ‘Right to Rent’ checks on all tenants.
3 Nov 2015
Interest rates are so low that mortgage lenders can’t really cut them any more in order to win business. Instead of fighting it out in a rate war, providers are looking for new markets or niche areas for lending.
Choosing which fixed rate to go for has been a dilemma for many of our clients so far this year. There really isn’t a right or wrong answer, but below we will look into the pros and cons of a two-year and five-year to help you make the right decision for you.
10 days ago
Here are the lowest fixed mortgage rates of the week, available to first-time buyers, home movers, buy-to-let, and those remortgaging.
Call us for more information: 01628 507477 or email: team@mortgagerequired.com.
11 days ago
According to Rightmove, a whopping 500,000 UK homebuyers are rushing to finalise their home purchase before the new Stamp Duty rules change in April.
The UK government is introducing new rules for Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) that will impact landlords. Here's a summary of the key changes
18 days ago
Choosing to buy a house is one of the biggest decisions you are likely to make in your lifetime. There are many factors that influence a house purchase, these include: finances, housing market conditions, and mortgage rates.
21 days ago
Since being launched back in 1999 Individual Saving Accounts (ISAs) have been very popular for those wanting to put money into savings. There are four types of ISA, and the majority allow flexible saving and the ability to withdraw funds easily. There are financial penalties on certain products, these usually pay the most interest.
28 days ago
According to the Office for National Statistics, last year (ending March 2024), there were 153,800 new homes completed in the UK. To help the housing crisis, the UK government has pledged to build 1.5 million new homes in the next five years.
Check out some of the reasons why a new-build home might be for you.
Many households are still being affected by the high cost of living, with several people worrying about how they can make ends meet on a monthly-basis. Unfortunately, the cost of bills including, water, council tax, and energy are still rising. Here are some things you can do.