What is the most popular time of year to buy a house?

Does the time of year make a difference in house purchases? The answer is, yes and no.

The popularity of buying a house can vary depending on various factors such as regional trends, how the economy looks, and of course personal circumstances. However, the spring is usually the most popular time for buying a home.


Spring is an optimal time of year to buy a property because you will find there are more properties on the market. Despite having more options, sales tend to go through faster as most people are keen to complete in time for summer.

Summer can often be quiet as many families jet off on holiday or are home with the kids during the school holidays. Demand spikes again in September being the second most popular time to purchase a home with the kids back at school and Christmas still a little way away.

During mid-November and December, sales are down due to a lower level of demand. Most people will be focusing on Christmas and entertaining, with selling up being the last thing on their minds. There is usually an increase in properties on the market from Boxing Day to New Year with New Year resolutions flying around and people wanting to make changes.

Economic Factors

The housing market is affected by the state of the economy, interest rates, and inflation. The Bank of England has been increasing the rate since December 2021, and it has remained the same (5.25%) since August 2023.

There is no ‘right’ time to buy as there are just different times which come with pros and cons. Ultimately, it comes down to your personal circumstances, and what works best for you.

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