Stress-Busting Tips

According to research from Benenden Healthcare (2022), buying a house is in the top ten most stressful events in our lives. We of course, also like to believe it is one of the most exciting times in our lives!

We have written a short blog of some stress-busting ideas that you may want to put into practice, whether you're in the process of buying a property, or not, you may find these tips and techniques helpful.

  • Take care of your body
    • Eat healthy, well-balanced meals
    • Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive alcohol
    • Exercise regularly
    • Get plenty of sleep
    • Meditate, or take deep breaths and regularly stretch
  • Take a break from the television, social media, and other news outlets – it is of course good to be informed, but some news reports can be upsetting and cause distress. Think about limiting checking news updates to a couple of times a day and disconnecting from electronics for a bit

  • Talk to others – a problem shared is quite often a problem halved. Sharing concerns or worries with friends, family, or anyone you trust can make you feel less stressed

  • Make time to unwind – life can get busy but it is important to set some time aside to relax or do some activities or hobbies you enjoy

  • Challenge yourself – setting goals and challenges such as learning a new language or sport, can help with confidence and in turn help you cope better with stress

  • Avoid taking drugs and alcohol – you may think they help at the time, but they can increase stress and anxiety

  • Work smarter, not harder – prioritising your workload and concentrating on one task at a time can make a real difference. Remember, you won’t have time to complete everything
  • Recognise when you need help – if problems continue and you are still feeling stressed, consider talking to a professional

  • Help others – evidence shows that those who volunteer or do community work are often less stressed

  • Think positive! – look for those things in your life that make you grateful – you could even write these down each day.

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