The Financial Ombudsman is there to help mediate when a client and a financial services company, such as a bank of IFA, have a difference of opinion that can’t be resolved through other means. The process is relatively straightforward and we have set it out below.

  1. Talk first! It might seem obvious, but before you make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman it’s important that you exhaust all reasonable means of agreeing an amicable way forward with the company concerned. The Ombudsman will want to see that this has been done before they take up a complaint. The company has 8 weeks from your initial complaint to confirm their final position.
  2. Contact the Financial Ombudsman. This is quite straightforward. You can make contact online, by post or via the telephone.
  3. The Ombudman will review all the information provided and then contact the company to get their side of the story. Then, they will make a ruling based on the information provided by both sides.
  4. If either party feels that the decision is wrong, they may then apply to the Ombudsman for a Final Decision.

For more information on the Financial Ombudsman Service click here.

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