Earlier this year the Bank of England lowered its already low base rate to a record 0.1%. That is the lowest Bank of England Base Rate in history!

Largely done to help protect the economy from the economic impact of the worldwide pandemic that has engulfed us all, the good news is that now is potentially a great time to remortgage! The mortgage is usually a households largest monthly expenditure and therefore, even a small saving can add a big chunk of change to the average household budget.

In what are uncertain times, checking all your outgoings to make sure there is nowhere you can trim the fat and save unnecessary expenditure is sensible. For some simply saving money, every month might be incentive enough. For others releasing a little cash and restructuring their existing loans might be the preferred option. Either way, it’s worth making a start now, rather than leaving things too late.

It can take a little time for us to find the right mortgage for you and complete all the necessary formalities, so making contact now for an initial chat makes perfect sense. We can quickly and simply evaluate your current position and, if right for you, we’ll make sure you get to choose from what’s available on the right terms.

Of course, during physical distancing, many businesses continue and Mortgage Required is no different. We can undertake consultations online via video conferencing or over the telephone and help you put together all the paperwork necessary. In some cases, mortgage lenders will accept valuations that do not even require a full physical inspection by their valuer. So there really is no excuse for not preparing for your family’s future right now.

What better time to quite literally get your house in order.

To see how Mortgage Required can help you with your mortgage requirements contact us or click here to book a free call or video appointmnet.

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